The Panda Dynasty storyline is available in a scroll down comic book. Discover here the origins of our Giant bears.

The Story

The comic is the heart of Panda Dynasty story. You can read it here on Webtoons or in Tapas comic strips platforms. Together, panda scribes and artists created a living document to commemorate the Panda Revolution, so that creatures around the metaverse would understand the glory of their Dynasty.

The current comic tells the origin story, from our humble beginnings as zoo pandas, to our experiences at the Crypto Space Station, and back to Earth as its new leaders. Stay tuned to learn where we are at present, and where we’ll go in the future. This Dynasty is limitless.

Community generated

Truly a community effort, the serialized comic is published every week on the Panda’s discord, so everyone from Panda Nobility to Baby Pandas could participate in its creation via ideation and commentary.


The panda dynasty treasure will grow as we work our way through the map.

We'll distribute the comic in all the most well known platforms such as Webtoon, comiXology, Madefire, etc.

We'll obviously promote our story to those platform to give the best broadcast possible to our story, first step for a licence that targets the moon. Wen moon? moon soon.